is a manga series created by Shinobu Inokuma, the author of ''Salad Days''. It is based on a novel by Hikaru Murozumi, and is set in a fictional trade-school—that focuses on the mizu shōbai—located in the Kabukichō district of Shinjuku, Tokyo. The school's focus is to give students their last chance in the school system. Classes are divided into occupations such as hostesses, hosts, "managers" (from waiters to actual managers), "geibaa" ("gay bar" but is a more comedic view of males dressing and acting like females) and, finally, "soapgirls". The series is mostly a romantic comedy but also mixes in many positive messages about life, work, friendship, and other topics. The series has a sequel, 都立水商!2, with one volume published as of March 2012. Oda Mari, now a teacher at the high school, replaces Keisuke Tanabe as the focus character. ==Characters== The volume number denotes the character's first appearance. The actor/actress is the person that was cast for the character in the TV special. *: Sociology teacher (vol. 1) *: Fuzoku Course Director (vol. 1) *: Headmaster (vol. 1) *: Hostess Course Director (vol. 1) *: Host Course Director (vol. 1) *: Gay Bar Course Director (vol. 1) *: Manager Course Director (vol. 1) *: Music teacher (vol. 6) * (Mari Koyama in TV version): Fuzoku Course student (vol. 1) *: Manager Course student (vol. 1) *: Athletics Director (vol. 1) *: Fuzoku Course student (vol. 1) *: Chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan School Board (vol. 1) *: Gay Bar Course student (vol. 1) *: Fuzoku Course student (vol. 3) *: Hostess Course student (vol. 4) *: Manager Course student (vol. 5) *: Hostess Course student (vol. 6) *Reira Yamaguchi (played by: Risa Kudo): Hostess Course student (vol. 8) *: Hostess Course student (vol. 9) *: Hostess Course student (vol. 9) *: Hostess Course student (vol. 11) *Etsuko Yamaguchi (TV only; played by: Mariko Tsutsui) *Moe Akiba (TV only; played by: Aki Hoshino) *Kyoto (TV only; played by: Kenji Anan) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Toritsu Mizusho!」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク